Foreshadowing: More than once throughout the game, Alex gets caught in a loop where she's the only one who realizes it.Fire-Forged Friends: Jonas and Alex, as well as Alex and Clarissa, can become this over the duration of the game's events.Failure-to-Save Murder: Clarissa feels this way about Alex, believing that because Alex didn't prevent Michael from being drowned, she essentially killed him.Extremely Short Timespan: The game takes place over less than 12 hours.They're Anna's messages from the ghost dimension to Maggie Adler and how she's stuck there. You can occasionally find spots on the island with Morse code, but none of the characters translate it it's left up to the player to figure out what they mean. Even if you don't sell him out during truth or slap, talking to Nona and Clarissa afterwards reveals they both know anyway.

#Oxenfree tvtropes free
But Thou Must!: You have to free the ghosts to leave the cave.If you bring Michael back to life then he replaces Jonas retroactively, making them an actual BrotherSister Team. BrotherSister Team: Alex and her stepbrother Jonas are the main focus of the narrative.And the ghosts imply that the playable Alex isn't overwritten by the Alex who doesn't go to the Island, meaning that some form of Alex will remain trapped in the ghost dimension for all eternity. However, Michael remains dead and Ren and Nona don't get together. In the New Game Plus, Alex can convince her past self to get Ren to cancel the Edwards Island trip, preventing the game's events from happening and preventing Alex from getting trapped in the ghost dimension.Though the crew of the Kanaloa are stopped, and Alex's friends manage to escape, Alex herself is implied to be trapped in the same dimension as the "ghosts," reliving the events on that island for eternity.If the ghosts are to be believed, this is Alex's fate for setting her friends free and refusing to give up Clarissa - she is trapped in the loop, forced to relive the game's events for eternity.Alex, at least, doesn't remember the events when they repeat. This is why they want to possess human bodies to escape. And I Must Scream: The ghosts are trapped, eternally, experiencing their deaths over and over.was creating nuclear reactors for submarines is ludicrous. The possibility that two years earlier the U.S. Almost every top allied scientist was involved in the bombs development. The bomb was completed in 1945 and used every bit of fissionable material in existence. During the war, the only nuclear project going on in the United States was developing the atomic bomb. The game states the sub was sunk in 1943 while it was testing out its nuclear reactor. Anachronism Stew: The timeline of the nuclear submarine is way off.Ambiguously Brown: Both Alex and her brother Michael have light brown skin, and from the flashbacks we see, naturally brown hair.Alone with the Psycho: Alex is trapped with the ghosts and forced to play a twisted scavenger hunt while in Maggie Adler's house and again when she goes into the dimensional rift to try and free Clarissa.Affably Evil: The ghosts, particularly after possessing Clarissa, are rather friendly towards Alex.Possible dialogue reveals that he was very popular in school and actually got some cops to buy him beer one time. The Ace: Michael is implied to have been this.In April 2021, the sequel Oxenfree II: Lost Signals was announced, set five years after the events of the first game.